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My Chinese teacher  

2010-08-22 15:12:29|  分类: 老师&学生 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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My Chinese teacher,full name is Huang Shao Fen,who is one of the best teachers in my life.she was kind and friendly to us after class,but she was rather strict with us in class,and alawys encourages us to read and write more.she hold these truths to be self-evdent that "practice makes perfect".we all respect and love her.To my dispointment,I lose contact with teacher Huang more than ten years.


Maybe,there are lots of more meaningful and valuable things awaiting me to do,and love affairs are not priority of us.However, I should make the best use of what | have,beacuse nothing will last forever,what I have today might not be mine anymore tomorrow.so I should live each day to its fullest.In whatever I do,I should do my best.I should also love those people around me.

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